How To Write A Good Instagram Caption

Hey, Hey!

How long have you been staring at your screen trying to write that perfect caption? It can seem overwhelming deleting and rewriting. So what does a good Instagram caption look like? I’m not a miracle worker but I have seen a few things that have worked for my clients. Your caption must have 4 things:

  • Context - What is your purpose or storyline?

  • Personality - How can you relate to what you’re writing?

  • Inspiration - What is the take away?

  • Call to Action - Where are you leading your audience? Do you need them visit your website or YouTube channel? Sign up for an offer? Answer a question?

Good Instagram captions come in all shapes and sizes, from short to longer in-depth stories that melt your heart. Generally, you want your followers engaging with your content which is the reason you’re posting regularly. Instagram captions be can be as long 2200 characters so if you want to tell that long story, you can but strategic with your captions.

 Here’s a few things to think about when writing your captions:

  • What value are you adding for your audience?

  • Does this post add value to my brand?

  • Is this something my followers want to see?

Writing captions or anything can be daunting but scheduling your Instagram posts will be a timesaver.  There are several social media scheduling apps that I recommend and you will thank me later.

 I’m not going to leave you without providing 6 captions ideas you can use for your Instagram account.

  1. Quotes : Share a quote that motivates or pertains to your brand

  2. Fun fact: Tell us something we don’t know. Remember to show your personality. You want your audience to relate to you.

  3. Tell a Story: Tell about about accomplishing your task.

  4. Pro Tip: Share something that you learn or give information that can add value.

  5. Behind the scenes: Share what’s going on in your day-to-day life such as renovation project, photoshoot, or speaking engagement. Bring your audience along for the day.

  6. Questions: Ask questions related to your photo. Ex. If you post a picture of Ice cream , ask your audience what’s their favorite flavor.

Have fun with your captions and take look at the how my favorite Instagrammers use captions in their post.

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Let’s Talk

What are some captions you’ve considered using?



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